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Safe Travel tips

Effective Ways to Travel Safely

Please do check with your local government and health authorities regarding restrictions before planning travel.

We have teamed up with, home of modern carry-on luggage to provide you with some travel safety tips to help you plan ahead.

This information is to provide you with safety tips so you can travel safely when the time is right for you. We also have ‘Retreat at Home‘ programs available to support you until you do feel ready to travel. Wellness travel has so many benefits but it’s important to do what’s right for you. We hope the tips below help you plan ahead.

“If you do travel during this period, you have to gather as many facts as possible about the ongoing situation. Knowledge helps overcome fear, and helps you plan for safe travels”

So to help, here are some tips to help you as you plan for the weeks and months ahead:

1. Check advisories before leaving

Travel advisories provide you with information on what is currently happening with other countries from around the world. This information is regularly updated to show:

  • Health advisories and recommendations.
  • Travel safety.
  • Entry and exit requirements.
  • Important information about local news and culture.

Travel advisories are there to provide you with information guidance so you can plan ahead. At Azulfit we reach out to you with country-specific guidance and forms so you can be prepared in advance.

2. Boost your immunity

The best way you can safeguard yourself is to boost your immune system. Stress can also compromise your immune system.

So, whenever you feel overwhelmed, the best thing you can do is look for ways to help you manage your stress. Exercise, getting plenty of sleep, meditation, keeping a journal, invigorate yourself in nature, prioritise your schedule to make time for the things you enjoy; whatever helps you feel grounded will reduce stress.

You can also try committing to a healthier lifestyle by eating nutritious foods, staying hydrated, exercising, and supporting your immune system with supplements. We can support you with our Retreat at Home program, which includes live retreat classes, recipes, and meal prep tutorial videos, as well as resources to help you plan your schedule with your health and wellbeing as top priorities.

3. Wash your hands frequently

According to the World Health Organization, regular hand washing will protect you from illness. So, make sure to protect yourself by washing your hands regularly with soap and water.

How long does this usually take? Ideally, according to the CDC, you should wash hands for at least 20 seconds. You can use an alcohol-based hand rub as well if you don’t have direct access to soap and water.

4. Carry sanitizers and wipes

Wipes and hand-based alcohol sanitizers help deter the spread of germs, and disease-causing bacteria and viruses, particularly if you’re in a busy environment when you’re traveling.

Wipes are great to use when you’re on a plane. You can use these to effectively clean the tray tables, handles or other frequently touched surfaces.

When to stay home: Most importantly, if you think you’re sick, then stay at home. Most airlines are providing checks for passengers (fever or symptom checks). Airlines might refuse passengers that they suspect to be ill. Staying home if you are unwell will help to protect everyone, so its best to reschedule travel if you are not well.

5. Wear a mask to protect yourself and others

When traveling, most airlines and government bodies have already made it a prerequisite to wear masks on flights, and in public places, if social distancing is not an option. Masks are also more effective if you combine it with frequent handwashing with soap and water, or an alcohol-based solution.

When it doubt, you can always ask your doctor and always keep up with the new information provided by health and government authorities in your area.

Of course, just because you’ll be wearing a mask, that doesn’t mean you can’t look your best. Bring some everyday magic to your life with a beautiful pair of ethically sourced earrings, or a necklace. Click here to find out more about some iconic jewelry you can wear that you can also feel good about, each purchase helps plant a tree.

6. Stay in touch with your airline

If you already bought your tickets a year ago, and you think you’re ready to go, make sure that you contact your airline first via phone or email to see if there are any changes or flight cancellations.

Most airlines will provide you a refund, travel credits, or allow you to reschedule your flight on a different date. They might even waive charge fees as well.

Over to You

Only you can decide to travel and go ahead with your travel plans or not. But again, as we’ve mentioned, the more you know, you’ll be able to make smarter decisions later on.

While we don’t know what will happen in the future, it is essential to take care of yourself and always be informed.

At Azulfit we are offering in person retreats starting from 18 July 2020. We have an extensive ‘Travel with Confidence‘ policy to keep you safe when you retreat with us.

If you are not ready to travel, we have ‘At Home Retreat‘ programs available, with all the benefits, fun, and connection of our in-person retreats. Either way, we are here for you.

Find out below some of the ways we are keeping you safe.