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Live Younger Longer

Recent studies have shown that a few simple changes in our lifestyle can dramatically improve our vitality and slow the aging process down considerably.

So, feeling better, healthier and happier can be a reality, whatever our age.

We share the fact that we start aging the day we are born…

The adage that ’40 is the new 30′ and ‘life starts at 50’ sound great, but how do we get to truly feel this?  What if our relatives aged a particular way? Doesn’t our future inevitably hold the same fate?

But what if I told you that is just not true?

What if we could slow the aging process down? Bring vitality to our steps, boost immunity, and increase energy, all with some simple lifestyle changes.

So let’s explore some of these effective, yet simple steps so we can all start living younger for longer!

Firstly, forget that we have to follow the same aging process as our family. How they have aged can definitely give us some insight that will guide our decisions, but blaming our genes can only take us so far.

The truth is, lifestyle choices are key. And hey, get this, it’s never too late to start aging better.

1. Food For Longevity

As we get older, our bodies just don’t need the same calories anymore. We’re no longer building and growing, but instead are preserving and protecting.

Eating less will put less stress on our systems, lighten our workload, with less for. Our digestive system to process.

Simply reducing our intake gradually each year can really support our bodies and help them function much better.

Eating mindfully can be a great way to do this and will also help us with staying in the moment and enjoying life. Charlotte’s mindfulness course on Retreat 365 discussed this subject and it’s a subject she shares with guests on retreat with us. Mindfulness is a great way to realise when we are full too, and to avoid the heavy feeling of overeating.

Of course, if you’re preparing to run the London marathon, or are training for something, then that’s a different case and needs to be approached with a specific nutritional focus.

Another thing to consider is what we consume. Cultivating a healthy gut microbiome with good bacteria can reduce the effects of aging. A lot of the problems associated with aging, such as joint pain, anxiety, or weakened immune systems, can be caused due to an imbalanced microbiome and inflammation in the gut.

Choosing fresh, organic veggies with natural pre and pro-biotics like garlic, onions, and fermented foods is a great way to find this gut balance. Polyphenols are of great benefit to our microbiome and are found in plants such as nuts and seeds, colourful fruits and vegetables, cocoa, dark chocolate , and coffee and black tea. So adding some of these items into our diet can be great for our gut and our health and energy.

2. No More Sweet Tooth!

Refined sugar is a huge factor in aging. It’s also a major contributor to many modern diseases and the inflammation in our bodies. Of course, we all know its role in Type 2 diabetes, but there’s also strong evidence that it plays a role in cancer, raised blood pressure, and Alzheimer’s.

Refined sugar can affect inflammation and cause painful joints, as well as heart disease. The inflammation is caused by the high sugar levels in the blood damaging the cells and causing the immune system to have an inflammatory response. This releases inflammatory molecules which have been linked to heart disease.

Let’s be clear though, we’re not talking about sugars found in fruit or vegetables. Refined sugar is lurking in processed foods, sweets, soft drinks, flavoured yogurts, cereals, cakes etc.

Saying goodbye to sugar is not easy. There’s a reason we love sweet treats. The best way to begin can be to reduce the sugary foods is to first hydrate…. more often than not our cravings stem from dehydration.

To help cut out some of the foods we’ve listed and you feel like something sweet, try a handful of berries instead.


3. Make A Better Bedtime

We’re always told that sleep is key with almost all areas of health, but more sleep and better sleep can have a big impact on how we age.

Often the times when we feel we’re getting old, can be simply our body needing better quality sleep. Experts recommend between 7 and 9 hours a night.

We can help ourselves by preparing for a better night’s sleep.

Another amazing practice to help the body reintegrate and recover is Yoga Nidra. This meditative practice is great for allowing the body to recover and reintegrate, but like all practices, it takes… well, practice.

Sign up to our retreat 365 to try a Yoga Nidra practice with Charlotte.

Some tips for great and nourishing sleep are:

  1. Avoid eating late
  2. Keep your bedroom cool and dark and as clutter-free as possible.
  3. Avoid TV or screen time a few hours before bed.
  4. Develop a regular bedtime routine, to help your body embrace sleep.

Using a special Sky View lamp can be a great way to help your body find its circadian rhythm and to enjoy restful and full REM patterns.


4. Go H2O!

Staying hydrated is key for increasing energy, staying focused with good brain function. Water is the way to go. Avoiding sodas, coffee and alcohol too, as these will not only affect your gut health, but, with their caffeine content, will actually dehydrate us, rather than boost hydration.

Keeping hydrated will also allow our muscles to work optimally and can reduce joint pain or muscle aches. With muscles being made up of around 75% water, we can see how important it is to keep them hydrated.

A good strategy is to drink little and lots through the day, maintaining hydration. Remember, if you’re feeling thirsty, you’ve probably left it too long.

On another note too, it’s interesting that often thirst will initially make us. Feel like we’re hungry. So staying hydrated can help with reducing food cravings.


5. Keep In Motion

We all know that we should exercise, but staying active can go a lot further than that. We can aim to choose a lifestyle that is movement-centered.

Exercise not only plays a role in building a stronger body, mind and immune system, but also assists with digestion. Another benefit takes us back to the subject of gut health. Studies show that people with active lifestyles have more diverse and healthy microbiomes. Even just a short walk can boost our gut health, reduce our stress levels and support our mental health.

Use stairs rather than a lift, park a little ways down the street, so you have an opportunity to walk on your way to work. There’s many opportunities to add motion and movement in our daily lives.

Of course, working out and exercising is essential to staying young in body and mind. However, choosing exercises that promote healing, healthy joints, and mindfulness can be a fantastic way to feel great about your workouts.

We definitely recommend our Retreat 365 memberships, as these have the perfect balance of yoga, Pilates, meditation, all of a variety of lengths to make it easy to fit into our day.

These also have monthly live sessions, so we can all support and encourage one another to stay inspired on our wellbeing journey.

Why not try a free trial to explore this here:


These are 5 simple ways to live younger, longer, enjoying a vibrant life and slowing time down for our body and mind.

Do you have some ideas and tips that work for you and keep you feeling great and youthful. We’d love for you to share them here…