By Valentina Parmigiani
‘I love teaching, I am just in love with the idea of giving what I’ve received. That’s the reason why I go back to study and practise with my Master.
At this time I am in New Zealand, practicing Ashtanga yoga and Vinyasa Krama with Matthew Sweeney.
Every time I am in the other side of the “stage”, I return to being a beginner, I drop down my intellectual defences, I feel safe and I open my body for another transformation. It does not matter the level of practice we have, once we go on a training course or for a “so called retreat”, our body and mind system it’s challenged much more than we when we are home.
So we feel sore, each single muscle hurts, and we are on struggle with a monkey mind which sometimes is activated by that intense physical practice….I don’t feel this when I teach!!!
What to do?
- Accept it, embrace the fact that we are in constant state of transformation, in Sanscrit this motion is called Parinama.
- Don’t resist, don’t let the idea that we have already learned enough take place in our mind.
- Don’t be discouraged if other students are better than you, take it as the best advice that yoga may give to you, don’t think that one day you will be like them, instead feelhappy for their results.
I used to practise in my training with very advanced Ashtangi and now I feel so privileged for that, because this gave to me the chance to perceive myself always a student. It’s also a great experience feel the energy of the group, without any judgment, just be “ONE” heart in multiple bodies on multiple mats.
We are how we are, in constant process of learning, transformation, sometimes we struggle and sometimes we let go, but if we surrender to the path of yoga, if we vacate our mind of prejudice, if we take with simple heart the teachings that our Masters give to us, we can enjoy the possibility to be filled, like an empty glass.
Filled by the nectar of the yoga practice.
See you soon
May the force be with you.